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Jesus said:

"Let the children come to me and don't stop them"

Coloring and Knowing Jesus

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A great opportunity

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We want to bless your life, your ministry and your family with the booklet “Coloring and Knowing Jesus with Little Bible and Little Friends”


    *** IMPORTANT ***

    If your booklet didn’t arrive in your email Inbox, take a look at your Trash and Spam folders. 

    Offer and help our ministry

    Your offer helps us bless many children through the maintenance and expansion of the “Coloring and Knowing Jesus with Biblinha and Turminha” project and also helps us bless indigenous children and families through our work in the missionary field.

    To offer in this ministry use the PIX key: culturacomDeus@gmail.com 

    If you prefer to make your donation via PayPal, use the same email or scan this Qr Code 


    Do it with joy, as written in 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

    Each one must contribute as he has purposed in his heart; not with sadness, or out of necessity; because God loves a cheerful giver.
    And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that you may always have all sufficiency in everything and abound in every good work.

    Our work on the missionary field and this project “Knowing and Coloring Jesus, Biblinha and Turminha” are only possible thanks to crowdfunding, offers and donations from friends and brothers.

    Are you going to photograph? Are you going to post?

    If you photograph and post the children coloring Biblinha’s book, please tag @biblinha.e.turminha in your Instagram posts 😊👍

    By doing this you help us publicize this project and we will also be very happy to see little ones using our material.

    A great joy

    Doing good and announcing salvation

    We are already working on other translations and also on the second booklet with many more pages for children to continue growing and having fun on the Path they must walk. There’s much more coming soon!

    It's not about us!

    It’s about Jesus and the Father’s love poured out on Earth. God bless your life, your family and your ministry.


    Don't forget to share

    Share our website and help us take advantage of this great opportunity to take God’s love to the ends of the Earth.

    Many children can be blessed through your sharing.